Laser Teeth Whitening
A white and healthy smile is a feature that everyone wants, which affects our appearance and supports self-confidence. Teeth become stained over time for reasons such as food and drinks, drugs used, and some genetic features. This occurs faster, especially if the dental care is not done properly. Today, it is possible to overcome this with some new techniques. A professional support should be taken to get rid of these stains and regain white teeth, and after that certain precautions should be taken for dental care. Teeth cleaning helps us get rid of the stains on the teeth, but teeth whitening is the process of making the natural color of the teeth whiter using special materials which have whitening effect. In addition, it is very important that the gums are healthy.
Today, one of the most widely used techniques in tooth whitening methods is laser tooth whitening technique. This method of treatment is carried out in the clinic under the supervision of a specialist, and the teeth can be significantly whitened. However, it is not recommended for those under the age of 16, those with tooth and gum disease, and for pregnant women. Apart from these, laser teeth whitening treatment can be applied to people who have yellowed teeth for natural reasons, who want to whiten the inner parts of the teeth, whose teeth are congenitally stained or who want to have more aesthetic teeth. It can also be applied in the treatment of discoloration that occurs after some diseases.
How Is It Applied?
Before the treatment, an examination of a specialist doctor is absolutely necessary. After determining that the teeth and gums are suitable for treatment, photographs can be taken before and after to see the difference. First, teeth should be brushed using a fluoride-free toothpaste if possible. After that teeth should be cleaned before bleaching. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out a scaling process to ged rid of bacterial plaques and tartars. A special protective device is attached to protect the lips. In order to protect the gums, a protective gel is applied. These measures are taken to protect sensitive tissues from laser beams. In order to whiten the teeth, a special whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth. While the ratio of whitening agents in the content of gels in home bleaching kits is around 3%, in the clinical setting, the content of gels applied under the control of specialists can contain much more (15% - 45%).
With the German Fläsh brand laser teeth whitening equipment that we use in our clinic, the first laser treatment is performed for 15 minutes after applying the whitening gel on your teeth. Then the whitening gel is applied carefully again and a second 15 minute laser is applied. Finally, the whitening gel is applied again and the third and last 15 minutes of laser application is done. After these 45-minute procedures, the protective and whitening gels on the teeth are cleaned and the session is completed. The total session is approximately 1 hour. Teeth can be whitened up to 2 to 3 shades by laser teeth whitening. Patients are advised to avoid from drinks such as tea and coffee and smoking or alcohol that may stain teeth especially for 24 hours after the procedure.
How Long Does The Effect Of Laser Whitening Teeth Last?
The duration of the effect of laser whitening can vary from person to person. It is envisaged to last for several years, but proper tooth care is very important in this period. The amount of consumption of food and beverages (tea, coffee, etc.) that may stain the teeth or smoking affect this period negatively. Generally, it is expected to take up to three years, but if careful dental care is taken, this period may be even longer.
Please read our blog about teeth whitening methods.