Smile Design Center

Smile Design Center

Smile Design Center
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Smile Design Center

Smiling is an integral part of human beauty, as well as being an indicator of happiness. For this reason, the beauty of the smile and its harmony with the human face is of great importance to people. People have applied some procedures in every period to fix their smiles and make them more beautiful. These correction processes have become more professional and permanent with the development of technology. Based on this demand, smile design can be done in smile design centers. Personal smile design is made considering the wishes and facial structure of the person.

It is possible with smile centers to have the smile that a person needs to feel more self-confident, more beautiful, happier, and more peaceful. In these centers, first of all, the subjects that the patient wants to change in his smile about the shape of his face or that he is uncomfortable with are determined. Specialist dentists, who talk to the patient in detail, try to determine how to solve the problems. In this treatment, mostly crooked teeth and caries are treated. If there are problems arising from the jawbone, more detailed and long-term operations are planned. By taking a photograph of the patient's face, how the smile will appear in the electronic environment is adjusted. Seeing the procedure to be performed before starting the treatments gives him confidence about the procedure to be performed. Thus, both the patient and the dentist can work more comfortably. After the planning is made, the procedures are started in the order determined by the dentist. The length of the process may vary depending on the patient's demands and needs. After the healing process is completed, the planned smile is achieved.

Since smile design centers generally aim to eliminate aesthetic concerns, they give great importance to the satisfaction and demands of the patient. The patient's wishes and needs guide the procedures to be performed. The patient's being in harmony with the doctor contributes to the success of the treatment. Since the dentist performs the procedure in line with the patient's demands and approval, the margin of error is very low and this provides great comfort. Therefore, communication between the patient and the dentist is very important in smile design centers. To have a charismatic and effective smile that will show your happiness, it is the healthiest and most beneficial method for everyone to have a smile design done in well-equipped clinics and specialists in their fields with strong communication skills.

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