Dental Implant

Dental Implant

Dental Implant
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Dental Implant

Tooth loss can occur over time due to various factors. Tooth loss caused by genetic factors, which is one of the most effective causes, cannot be prevented no matter how much dental health is taken care of. In addition, eating and drinking habits directly affect dental health. Environmental reasons such as consuming excessively acidic beverages and trying to break hard objects such as hazelnuts with teeth can also cause tooth fracture, decay, and tooth extraction over time. Tooth loss, regardless of the cause, affects people's daily lives a lot. Its effects range from eating and drinking disorders to speech disorders. With the development of modern medicine, treatments have been developed for these problems. Implant treatment, which is one of these solutions, is a treatment that aims to solve the problems arising from tooth loss. Implantation is the process of placing the artificial tooth root, which is closest to the natural tooth, into the jawbone, instead of the tooth that has been removed or fallen out.

Implant treatment is one of the most frequently applied treatments today. Before the development of implant treatment, dentures could be used as a solution to the same problem. However, in removable prostheses, problems such as wear of the prosthesis, loss of sharpness, and mouth sores that prevent eating and drinking could arise over time. With the implant treatment, the possibility of long-term use was provided by making teeth that are not mobile and very similar to the original tooth.

In implant treatment, an implant, usually made of titanium, is placed in the place of the empty tooth. The purpose of the implant placed in the jawbone is to ensure that the tooth to be seated is stable and fixed in the jaw. After this procedure, which is performed under anesthesia, an average of 3 months is waited for the gingiva and bone to heal and the implant to adapt to the bone. The waiting period is important for the durability and success of the treatment. For this reason, it should not be rushed to move to the second stage. After the jawbone and gingiva are completely healed, the second stage, the artificial tooth, can be placed. Implant treatment, which takes some time, offers great comfort if it is done with care and attention. With the ease of artificial teeth closest to the original tooth, there is no disruption in eating, drinking, or speaking. Maximum efficiency is obtained with the guidance and application of a specialist dentist. Of course, a quality implant also increases the success rate of the treatment. In Dentsmile, implant treatment is performed only with the most exclusive and high-quality brands.

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