Smile Design

Smile Design

Smile Design
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Smile Design

Smiling is an essential part of one's life. The smile, which is the symbol of a happy and peaceful life, reflects the life and character of a person. Undoubtedly, one of the biggest factors that complement a person's expression and gestures is the smile. Because of the importance of smiling, people have sought to make their smiles more beautiful and to harmonize them with their faces and expressions. They tried to improve their smiles by using various facial exercises or materials such as chin bands. However, none of these methods give permanent results. For this reason, treatments have been developed to permanently improve the expression and smile of people in oral and dental health centers. These treatments are tailored to the individual. For this reason, it should be planned meticulously and performed in well-equipped clinics with a good team.

The person who is disturbed by his smile should first determine the cause of this discomfort. Dissatisfaction with mouth structure or size is the most common cause. After the patient's mind is clear about what kind of smile he wants, the treatment begins to be planned. At all stages, the patient and the dentist should be in coordination and the patient's consent should be obtained. Since it is an aesthetic anxiety-based treatment, being in constant communication with the patient in order to increase the patient's satisfaction both makes the patient more comfortable and facilitates the dentist's work as it prevents irreversible steps from being taken. First, photographs of the patient are taken from various angles. These photographs are manipulated in the electronic environment and the smile desired by the patient is tried to be designed. The first stage, the design stage, is perhaps the most important stage. After a careful smile design is made, the steps to be applied to the patient are taken to achieve that smile. This stage is different for everyone. Based on the expert opinion of the dentist, the necessary procedures for the targeted smile are planned and applied. Depending on the severity of these steps and the recovery intervals, it may take time to complete the smile design. However, after the procedures are completed, you can have more harmonious, more confident, and warmer smiles. With an expert team thanks to smile design, achieving the smile you want permanently and increasing your happiness is not impossible.

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