Implant In Istanbul

Implant In Istanbul

Implant In Istanbul
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Implant In Istanbul

Every living thing needs food to survive. The necessary energy is obtained through nutrition. While plants feed from the soil with their roots, animals, and humans feed by mouth. Due to this structure of humans, oral health has an importance that keeps them alive. From childhood, food intake takes place by chewing with teeth. Teeth, one of the most used organs, need to be cleaned regularly in order to stay healthy. However, no matter how much attention is paid to cleaning, due to factors such as stress or genetics, tooth wear, cavities, and even tooth loss can occur. Many treatments have been developed as a solution to dental diseases. Implant treatment is one of the dental treatments that aims to eliminate the difficulty of chewing and speaking arising from tooth loss.

Implant treatment is generally the name of the operation to place a new artificial tooth in place of the lost tooth for any reason. In implant treatment, unlike dentures, the root of the tooth is fixed in the jawbone. For this reason, when compared to other treatments, it is seen that the treatment that provides the closest solution to the natural tooth is the implant. Implant treatment can generally be applied to anyone who has completed the development of the jawbone and has sufficient bone tissue to place the implant.

In implant treatment, first of all, the patient's panoramic dental x-ray is examined and it is decided whether it is suitable for treatment by the specialist dentist.

Treatment usually consists of two stages. First, the implant (screw part) is placed in the jawbone. If appropriate, a temporary tooth can be inserted. After 2-3 months, after fully adapting to the bone, crown production begins. It is important that this treatment, which requires patience, is done with specialist dentists and in a well-equipped clinic. With Dentsmile, it is now very easy to have teeth that are closest to your natural teeth and that you will use most comfortably.

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