Istanbul Implant

Istanbul Implant

Istanbul Implant
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

What is an implant?

An implant, also known as an artificial tooth root, is a dental treatment method. Usually made from biocompatible materials such as titanium, it is placed in the jawbone to replace a lost or extracted tooth. The implant is precisely positioned in the jawbone under the gums and undergoes a process called osseointegration where it fuses with the bone. A dentist carries out the placement of the implants and after a healing period of several months, various restoration options such as crowns, bridges or prostheses are attached to the implants. Implants can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth and can also be a viable solution for those who have lost their teeth completely. Implants resemble natural teeth and restore oral function. In addition, implants help maintain dental health by protecting other teeth and preserving surrounding tissues.

What treatment options are there for implants?

Implant treatment is typically offered with a variety of options, including:

  • Single Tooth Implant: This is a common treatment option for patients who have lost a single tooth. A single artificial tooth root (implant) is inserted and a crown is attached to it.
  • Multiple Dental Implants: This option is used when multiple teeth are missing. Several tooth roots are replaced by implants and a bridge or prosthesis is attached to them.
  • Total Jaw Implant: This treatment is suitable for patients who are completely edentulous (i.e. missing all teeth). It involves restoring the entire jaw area using a series of implants that support a prosthesis that replaces the teeth.
  • Implant Supported Dentures: This option is used for patients who have lost their teeth or who have had all of their teeth extracted. Implants are placed in the jawbone and a prosthesis is attached to them. Implant-supported dentures offer better stability and functionality compared to conventional dentures. The choice of implant treatment options may vary depending on the individual situation and needs. Your dentist will assess your condition and determine the most appropriate treatment option for you.

Implant treatment in Istanbul

There are implant centers in Istanbul that offer a comprehensive range of dental implant treatments. In Istanbul, implant treatment can be performed in the following ways:

  • Single Tooth Implant: Istanbul implant centers use modern technologies and materials to offer aesthetic and durable single tooth implants, providing patients with a natural-looking result.
  • Multiple Dental Implants: For patients who have lost multiple teeth, implant centers in Istanbul offer multiple dental implant treatments using careful planning and a combined approach. By using implant-supported bridges or prostheses, patients achieve an aesthetic and lasting result that is similar to natural teeth.
  • Full Jaw Implant: Istanbul implant centers specialize in full jaw implant treatments for patients who have lost all teeth. With this treatment option, the entire jaw area is restored using a series of implants that support a prosthesis that replaces the teeth.
  • Implant Supported Prosthesis: Implant centers in Istanbul offer implant supported prosthesis treatments for patients with complete tooth loss. Implants are placed in the jawbone and a prosthesis is attached to them. Implant-supported dentures offer greater stability and functionality than conventional dentures.

Implant centers in Istanbul are managed by specialized dentists and experienced staff. High-quality materials and state-of-the-art equipment are used for the treatments. Modern clinics in Istanbul use the latest technologies to ensure patients comfort and relaxation during procedures. These implant centers are extremely proficient in accommodating international patients and providing foreign language support.

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