Dental Implant

Dental Implant

Dental Implant
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

What is an Implant?

An implant is a type of prosthesis used to replace a missing tooth root. It is typically made of titanium and is surgically placed in the jawbone. Over the implant, a porcelain tooth or a dental prosthesis is placed to replace the missing teeth and restore normal tooth function. Implants can be utilized in various dental treatments, including fixed dentures, removable dentures, or full dentures.

Who is Implant Treatment Applied to?

Implant treatment can be applied to almost anyone with a missing tooth, but an examination by a dentist is necessary to determine suitability. Sufficient jawbone volume and quality, as well as good oral and dental health, are necessary for implant treatment. If the jawbone is insufficient, additional treatments like bone grafting may be required before the implant can be placed. Certain health conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions, bone diseases, or infections may also impact the suitability of implant treatment.

How Long Does a Dental Implant Last?

The lifespan of dental implants varies depending on several factors, and it is challenging to provide an exact duration since each patient's situation is unique. With proper care, implants can last a long time. Factors affecting the lifespan of implants include the patient's lifestyle, dental hygiene habits, smoking, gum disease, jawbone structure, quality of the implant, and accurate placement. Typically, dental implants can last at least 10-15 years, and some can last 20 years or more. Proper dental hygiene practices, regular check-ups with a dentist, and avoiding detrimental habits like smoking can help extend the life of implants. When placed correctly and with regular maintenance, implants can be as durable as natural teeth.

What are Dental Implant Prices?

The cost of dental implants varies due to several factors, making it difficult to provide an exact price. Factors influencing the price include the quality of the implant, materials used, the dentist's experience and techniques, and the clinic or dental office where the treatment is performed. In Turkey, the dental industry comprises numerous clinics and offices that offer high-quality implant treatments at competitive prices. While prices may differ between clinics, dental implant treatments in Turkey are generally more affordable compared to other countries.


Components Used in Dental Implants

Dental implant treatment typically involves three main components: the implant, abutment, and porcelain dental prosthesis.

  •  Implant: Dental implants are usually screw-like structures made of titanium alloy. They are placed in the jawbone, serving as tooth roots and integrating with the bone to provide a sturdy foundation.
  •  Abutment: This small piece is placed on the implant. The abutment protects the surgical area on the gums and provides support for the prosthesis.
  •  Porcelain Dental Prosthesis: The prosthetic tooth is placed on the abutment, completing the dental implant. Porcelain dental prostheses are designed to resemble natural teeth in appearance and feel. Other materials used in dental implant manufacturing may include implant coatings, surgical materials, gingival grafts, implant embedding motors, digital dentistry software, and more. The specific materials used can vary based on the needs of the implant treatment and patient preferences.

Dentsmile Implant Treatment

Dentsmile is a dental clinic staffed by experienced and skilled dentists specializing in dental implant treatment. At Dentsmile, implant treatment is tailored to the individual needs and condition of each patient. The treatment begins with an evaluation of factors such as the patient's oral structure and bone density to determine the suitability of the implant placement area. Dentsmile employs the latest technological devices and materials for dental implant treatment, utilizing safe materials like titanium for implant placement. Additionally, Dentsmile provides ongoing support and necessary care after the implant treatment.

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