Dental Implant

Dental Implant

Dental Implant
  • 22 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Dental Implant

Despite all the studies and developments related to oral and dental health, many people experience tooth loss due to tooth decay, periodontal disease or injury. For many years, bridges and dentures were the only treatment options available for people with missing teeth, but today a more reliable and aesthetically more permanent method is dental implants.

Dental implants are actually replacement of tooth roots. Dental implants provide a strong and solid foundation for fixed or removable artificial teeth that are made to match our natural teeth. In other words, a dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed in the mouth to support dental prostheses such as crowns, dentures or bridges. In short, dental implants are screws mostly made of titanium that act as roots for missing teeth. Dent Smile Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, which is the most preferred among many dental implant clinics and polyclinics, continues to serve you with its expert staff.

Dental Implant Advantages

Dental implants have several benefits for patients. These advantages are as follows:

Perfect Appearance: Dental implants look like your own teeth and give you a natural tooth feel. Dental implants are highly permanent as they are designed so adaptable to bone.

  • Fluent Speech: Improper dentures may slip in the mouth and cause incorrect pronunciation. Get rid of the worries that your teeth may slip with dental implants and enjoy the conversation!
  • Ease of Eating:. Traditional removable dentures often slip and make it very difficult for you to chew. Dental implants function like your natural teeth and allow you to eat your food without any hassle
  • Confidence: Dental implants help you feel better and more confident. Enjoy your smile and comfort with dental implants!

Dental Implant Success Rate

The success rates of dental implants vary according to the position in the jaw, but dental implants generally have a success rate of up to 98%. With the proper regular care, you can use Dent Smile dental implants for a lifetime.

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