Dental Clinic Turkey

Dental Clinic Turkey

Dental Clinic Turkey
  • 22 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Dental Clinic Turkey

When looking for a private dental clinic in Turkey, patients are researching how good the doctor is, the cleanliness and hygiene of the private dental clinic. It is also very important how suitable the devices used in the dental clinic are with the latest technology and the use of personalized tools. Patients should definitely do research before choosing an oral and dental polyclinic and choose dental clinics accordingly.

Patients can get information about the services provided by calling directly the clinic from the contact addresses of the dental clinics or from the website. Of course, the prices demanded for the service provided should be compared, but since the treatment of each patient will be different, the examination fee should be discussed with the doctor and the price should be taken specially. For this reason, before starting treatment, the doctor should be contacted and price information should be requested. DentSmile Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, which is the most preferred among many clinics and polyclinics providing oral and dental health services, offers the best and highest quality treatment for its patients.

The Requirements for Opening a Dental Clinic

Due to the increasing demand for private dental clinics, dentists are considering opening their own clinics or polyclinics, but there are some requirements that are necessary before opening a dental clinic. These are as follows:

  • Dentists must register with the dental association.
  • Dentists are required to obtain a self-employment earnings book from a notary.
  • Dentists are required to obtain a tax registration from the revenue administration
  • Registration must be obtained from the social security institution.
  • The necessary taxes must be paid on time and under the necessary terms.
  • Dentists are required to notify the provincial health directorate and the chamber of dentists.

You should also consider the costs before opening a dental clinic or polyclinic.

Dental Treatment Prices of Turkey

Dental treatment prices in Turkey vary according to the treatment method to be performed. For this reason, it would not be correct to give clear and fixed information about prices. For more detailed information about the prices of dental treatments in Turkey, you can contact our team and get help.

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