Zirconium Teeth Turkey

Zirconium Teeth Turkey

Zirconium Teeth Turkey
  • 22 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Zirconium Teeth Turkey

Zirconium is a dental material used as a substructure of porcelain bridge and prosthetic applications. This substance is generally known as an alloy of white color, which is applied instead of gray metal. Zirconium dental crown is a frequently preferred type of application in the field of dentistry.

The main reason why zirconium dental crowns is preferred in dental crown applications is that it gives aesthetically effective results. DentSmile Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, which is the most preferred among many clinics and polyclinics that perform zirconium dental crowns in Turkey, always continues to provide the highest quality service for you.

Zirconium Crowns Turkey Advantages

Zirconium crown offers several advantages for the patients. These benefits are as follows:

  • For people who do not have an aesthetically beautiful smile, zirconium tooth is an extremely right choice.
  • Zirconium is an alloy close to the natural tooth color.
  • Metal is not applied in any way in zirconium dental crowns.
  • Zirconium is very compatible with tooth tissue. There is no bruising or discoloration during the application.
  • When zirconium dental crowns are desired to be changed, the procedure can be performed without damaging the original tooth.
  • Zirconium tooth can be applied to patients of all ages. Zirconium teeth are quite long-lasting and robust.

How Long Can Zirconium Teeth Be Used?

Zirconium is a material that can last quite a long time in dental crown applications. When oral and dental care is done regularly and dental checks are performed periodically, zirconium teeth can be used for many years.

Teeth made of zirconium generally do not have a life span. Since the original teeth are living tissues, abrasions may occur depending on a specific use, but there is no change in zirconium teeth. Zirconium teeth will last quite a long time when regular dental check-ups are performed.

For information about zirconium crowns Turkey and to create a zirconium crown treatment appointment, you can visit our polyclinic or contact us via phone or Whatsapp.

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