Zirconium Crowns Turkey

Zirconium Crowns Turkey

Zirconium Crowns Turkey
  • 22 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Zirconium Crowns Turkey

Zirconium crowns Turkey is one of the most popular treatments in health tourism. Every year, thousands of local and foreign tourists come to Istanbul for dental aesthetics and have zirconium crowns. Zirconium teeth supported with ceramic or porcelain material give people healthy and bright smiles. The fact that there is no metal in its content in any way emphasizes the quality of zirconium. Zirconium is generally preferred for aesthetic smile, teeth whitening, and correction of slightly crooked teeth.

Innovative, modern, aesthetic, healthy, biocompatible zirconium gives successful results thanks to the subtle applications of dentists. Zirconium can be used in a wide range of areas from mild curvatures to the restoration of tooth decay, appealing to a wide age range.

Features of Zirconium Crowns

Zirconium has been a specialty of dentists in Turkey for many years. Dentists who know the material well and have reached the most advanced experiences with thousands of patients emphasize the strong features of zirconium. Here are those features;

  • They look natural, they look healthy like real teeth.
  • It has high resistance, it is robust.
  • It is resistant to deformations such as cracking, breaking and scratching.
  • Strong against oxidation.
  • It is translucent, provides light transmission, thanks to this feature, the teeth look completely natural and aesthetic.
  • It has color options, it is ensured that the most suitable color is determined for the person.
  • They do not contain metal.
  • It is resistant to hot and cold drinks and does not cause sensitivity.

Zirconium tooth crowning is an aesthetic treatment and can be applied according to the need. Measurements can be taken and prepared in a short time and placed on the teeth. Since it offers fast and aesthetic results, patients coming from abroad can do it without wasting time.

Zirconium Tooth Turkey Prices

Zirconium tooth prices in Turkey are always at affordable levels due to exchange rate differences. Prices in dental treatments are at acceptable levels when considered in terms of performance, longevity and results. Turkey is one of the leading countries where zirconium dental treatment is applied most successfully and quickly. A wide range of local and foreign age groups have aesthetic smiles with zirconium teeth throughout the year and get healthy teeth with affordable prices.

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