What is dentistry?

What is dentistry?

What is dentistry?
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

What is dentistry?

Dentistry is a branch of medicine that deals with oral and dental health. Dentists diagnose and treat problems related to the health of teeth, gums, oral tissues, jaw bones and facial muscles. Dentistry includes various methods of treatment, such as cleaning, repairing, removing and treating teeth. It requires expertise in topics such as tooth decay, gum disease, jaw fractures, mouth sores, tooth extraction, dental implants, root canal treatment, teeth whitening, prosthetics and orthodontic treatments. Dentists also often apply preventive treatments for oral and dental health. These can include simple practices such as brushing your teeth and using dental floss, but also problems related to proper nutrition and other lifestyle changes that affect oral and dental health. Dentistry improves the quality of life of patients by addressing many oral and dental health problems that can also affect overall health.

Dentistry in Turkey

Dentistry in Turkey provides high-quality services of experienced dentists. The country has numerous dental faculties that offer training and advanced training programs in accordance with international standards. There are numerous private dental clinics, dental polyclinics and dental clinics equipped with modern and technological equipment in the entire dental sector of Turkey. These dental centers offer a variety of treatment options and often attract the attention of foreign patients due to compliance with international standards. Turkish dentists are known all over the world and have extensive experience. They are known for their friendly and patient-centered approach as well as for their competence in dealing with current medical technologies. Dental services can be cheaper in Turkey compared to other countries in the world, which makes Turkey a preferred destination for many foreign patients seeking dental treatment. Dental services in Turkey provide high-quality treatment and services at affordable prices.

How to choose a dentist?

The choice of a dentist is of paramount importance for oral and dental health. A good dentist accurately diagnoses a patient's oral and dental health problems and offers appropriate treatment options. When choosing a dentist, the following factors should be taken into account:

Specialty: Dentists often specialize in different specialties. Therefore, it is important to choose a specialist who is suitable for the specific required treatment. For example, an orthodontist for orthodontic treatments or an implantologist for dental implants.

Experience and qualifications: Take into account the experience and qualifications of the dentist, as they play a crucial role in establishing an accurate diagnosis and providing appropriate treatment options.

References: Get recommendations from family members, friends and other people around you who have had positive experiences with a dentist. References can help you with the choice.

Services and technology: make sure that the dentist works in a modern clinic equipped with the latest technology and equipment. This is vital for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Approach to the patient: Good communication with your dentist is important. A caring, understanding and patient dentist will help to make you feel more comfortable during treatment.

Prices: Dental services have different prices in Turkey, as well as in other countries. Find out about the prices and take into account your budget when choosing a dentist.

Taking into account these factors and your personal preferences, you can choose a suitable dentist for your needs.

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