Smile Design

Smile Design

Smile Design
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Smile Design

There are many factors that reveal a person's character, temperament, and lifestyle. It is possible to understand a person's character from the tone of his voice, as well as to predict his psychological state from his posture. Nowadays, where appearance is very important, people tend to improve their appearance for the purposes of being more impressive and showing themselves more clearly. Treatments and changes that serve this purpose are carried out with various aesthetic operations. Smile design, which is one of the most effective aesthetic treatments that increases the impressiveness of the person and determines the expression on the face, is frequently made today. It is important for everyone to have a beautiful smile that fits one's face, makes them feel better, and has a positive impact on other people.

Due to the aesthetic importance of the smile, some procedures have been tried to beautify it throughout history and to use it effectively in the social field. It is known that some facial exercises have been done in the past to harmonize the ratio of the mouth and face and to develop facial muscles. Most of these exercises to design the smile are not permanent. With the development of technology and the change in demands, solutions have been found that will make the smile design permanent. As a result of planning made with specialist dentists in smile design centers, people are provided with the smile they need. Smile design, which is a personalized treatment, is carried out by planning between the patient and the dentist. Listening to the patient's demands and complaints, the dentist looks at the patient's face and bone structure and designs to give him the most appropriate and effective smile. Since each patient's face shape and dimensions are different, each smile design is unique.

While the smile design is being made, after the patient's requests are received, a preview of the smile designed in an electronic environment is made with photographs. After the patient's approval is obtained, the necessary procedures determined by the dentist are started. In the treatment, which usually starts with the correction of the teeth, if there are gaping teeth, they are brought closer or the crooked teeth are corrected. These processes require time as they aim at a radical change. However, in cases where everything is normal, it is completed within 4-7 days. At the end of the smile design which takes time and effort, the person has the beautiful smile they want.

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