Implant Treatment

Implant Treatment

Implant Treatment
  • 22 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Implant Treatment

Teeth is an important part in the external appearance of every person. Teeth are as important in terms of aesthetics as they are important in terms of health. Because white and healthy teeth increase people's self-confidence. It helps them stand stronger against life.

  • There are different diseases and conditions that require treatment in oral and dental area. Each condition has a separate treatment and control process.
  • Implant treatment also occurs in cases where the teeth lose their function.
  • Implant is a form of treatment that has become widespread in recent years and is developing day by day.

Why does implant treatment become necessary?

The implant is applied when the teeth are unhealthy and become very difficult to treat anymore. Generally, if there is other possibility, the teeth are tried to be saved with different treatments. However, if it is not possible to save a tooth, then implant treatment can be applied. Some patients want to have their existing teeth extracted and implanted with aesthetic desires. Patients want to apply for the implant method because they do not like the structure or color of their existing teeth.

Does implant treatment cause pain?

Implant is one of the methods that are difficult to apply among the types of treatment. With the extraction of the root teeth, screws are installed in their place. On the screws placed, prosthetic teeth are placed. The challenging process for patients is the placement of screws into the jaw bone. It is done under local anaesthesia and generally comfortable fort he patients. Slight pains are very normal during the process.

The crowns that are placed on the screws during the implant treatment are produced very close to the natural teeth.

Due to its similarity to natural teeth, it is highly aesthetic solution and intact. Implants that can be used for a long time usually satisfy patients.

Can every dentist perform implant treatment?

Implant treatment is an application that requires specialization. Although most dentists usually practice it, it will be important for patients to have a reliable and robust clinic. Working with specialist physicians in the field, clinic makes extremely reliable applications about implants. Almost all of the patients leave the clinic happy and satisfied with the service.

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