Dental İmplant

Dental İmplant

Dental İmplant
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Dental İmplant

Since our teeth are among our important and frequently used organs, dental treatment needs are common. One of the most common dental treatments is a procedure called a dental implant. Dental implants are preferred in cases where there is tooth loss or when the tooth cannot be saved. Teeth begin to decay as a result of factors such as heavy caffeine consumption, use of harmful products such as cigarettes and high sugar consumption. As a result of the increase in caries, the teeth are pulled out as they cannot be saved. Due to the missing tooth, the problem is eliminated by replacing it with a dental implant. Dental implants are not just one of the treatment methods used in tooth loss due to decay. It is also preferred in cases of tooth deficiency due to impact and various reasons. In DentSmile clinic, it is possible to have dental implants done in a quality manner.

There are certain procedures for getting a dental implant. During the treatment, the tooth must be completely extracted at the place where the dental implant will be made. Then, a piece with titanium material (screw part) is placed in the tooth root area. This part has a hollow-shaped structure that can be mounted with smaller screws. The tooth is screwed into the titanium material integrated into the jawbone by turning it. This technique is called an occlusal screw crown. In addition, in some cases, the crown bonding technique can also be applied. Thus, the dental implant process will be completed. However, it is necessary to wait 2-3 months after the dental implant procedure. During this period, the integration or adaptation of the tooth to the bone is ensured. Depending on the person, the duration may be shortened or increased. As a result of the adaptation of the dental implant to the jawbone of the person, the tooth can be as strong as the original tooth of the person and can be used for a lifetime. In addition, depending on the situation, dental implants can be applied collectively. In the absence of all teeth, dentures are commonly preferred. This technique is also called “all on 4” or all on 6”. Sometimes, the number of implants can be changed when necessary, for example, “all on 5” can also be applied. It is not possible to perform a single operation when multiple implants are being made. Because there must be a certain distance between the two teeth during the implant. In Dent Smile clinic, it is possible to receive multiple or individual dental implant services.

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