Dental Center

Dental Center

Dental Center
  • 21 June 2023
  • Dt. Hasan Karatay

Dental Center

As can be understood from the name of the dental center, it is the name given to the clinics or centers where all kinds of dental services are provided. All kinds of dental care and treatment procedures are carried out in such health institutions. Teeth are one of the places that have an important place in human life. Unfortunately, although people see teeth as insignificant at a young age, it is understood how important they actually are at later ages. As a result of the deformation of the teeth, swelling and pain can be experienced. Such situations lead to insomnia, discomfort, and unhealthy conditions. Toothache can cause headaches and eye pain in some situations. Therefore, dental health is extremely important. Decaying teeth have many negative effects on the person, as well as providing uncomfortable use while eating. In some cases, tooth decay also causes a bad odor in the mouth. The presence of bad odor will have a negative effect on both the person and the environment. For this reason, dental care and health are one of issues that should be taken care of without neglecting it.

The services in the dental center are generally as follows; sinus lifting, tooth cleaning, teeth whitening, laser teeth whitening, zirconium crowns, lamina veneers, root canal treatment, prosthetic tooth, dental implant, all on 4 implants, all on 6 implants, all on 8 implants, filling, smile design, Hollywood smile services such as tooth extraction, gingival treatment, jaw treatment. Apart from these services, various services are provided in clinics. There is an increase in the number of services provided according to the quality and experience of the clinic. Our company Dent Smile provides almost all dental treatment services, as it is among the quality clinics. Cerec technology is used during crown processes such as laminate, zirconium, and E-max. Thanks to digital methods that minimize the error rate, you will be provided with a high level of service. At the same time, due to the fact that we have a separate section for children, we have services for every generation. Thanks to our pedodontics department, you can easily solve your children's dental problems.

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